bohm:"bearded nutjobs beating up gay people". They are in skirts and beating up gays, strange.
But what are the authorities doing about the beatings?
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
bohm:"bearded nutjobs beating up gay people". They are in skirts and beating up gays, strange.
But what are the authorities doing about the beatings?
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
VI: I agree with you, "all they're doing is fleeing from their countries". But my question
why continue to hold on to Sharia law when it has devastated your country?
Again I know it's not all Muslim, most are becoming good citizens.
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
"Honor killing" Fox news. The estimated 27 victims of so-called "honor killing" among
Muslims 91% of those victims in North America are murdered for being "too Westernized".
This of course is not all Muslims I agree, but when it come to the laws of Sharia when do you
put a stop to their laws if you are living in the west. You can't beat your wife here in this country.
My Vietnamese friends found that out when they moved here after the war. A close Vietnamese
friend told me, "man you can not hit your wife here in this country my wife
told me she will call the police if I put my hands on her".
my question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?.
if you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.. in a very close 5-4 vote, the city of irving ruled to back the texas state bill banning foreign.
law from the state.
My question, why would one immigrate to the west and refuse to adopt the western cultural?
If you believe our way of life is so degenerated why bring your family to this place.
In a very close 5-4 vote, the city of Irving ruled to back the Texas state bill banning foreign
law from the state. The bill doesn't mention Sharia or any religion, but it's a huge defeat for
Sharia supportes. The radical group of Muslims were not pleased with the Mayor of Irving, she
accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims.
If there was a state or country for JW's would you move there???
my witness self :-very hollow, slightly lofty, characteristically judgemental, overwhelmingly convincing.. my non-witness self:- and in my imperfect way no longer taking the passive attitude to reality, and most importantly no longer feeling an outsider with my " true" friends..
As a witness...A nervous wreck. Looking for signs for the end, issues everyday on the job,
making sure the kids are walking a straight line, hoping no one wish me a merry Xmas,
dreading all holidays and developing anxiety disorder.
Today, I'am as cool as a cucumber, mellow and I sleep good at nights..
can't believe it - gb is currently second in the medal table, with more golds and silvers combined than even china.
given the size of the nation it's an incredible achievement and we have won in some sports where other countries typically dominate.
i can't imagine we will stay in second but i am happy to enjoy the moment.. well done to the whole of team gb!.
knceptual99: You right only 6 US medals in gymnastics, it seemed to be a lot more but we still have
maybe two more tomorrow in gymnastics.
can't believe it - gb is currently second in the medal table, with more golds and silvers combined than even china.
given the size of the nation it's an incredible achievement and we have won in some sports where other countries typically dominate.
i can't imagine we will stay in second but i am happy to enjoy the moment.. well done to the whole of team gb!.
i'am so happy that Russia decided to send their gymnastics coaches to the USA. LOL
The wall came down and so did the coaches...With out the Russia coach no way we would
have that many Gold medals.....
over the years here on this site i have found over half of the folks can hold their own with any minister.. why when we leave the borg we become proficient on any subject on the bible.. why did we go down that road?
my intention was to get close to jehovah (searching the bible), but i. guess i found lucifer.
i'am ask all the time, how did you go from a true believer to calling the bible a book.
But, we were Bible students we knew when the end would come, we knew Matt.24;14
backward and forward. Oh boy we were so full of ourselves.
over the years here on this site i have found over half of the folks can hold their own with any minister.. why when we leave the borg we become proficient on any subject on the bible.. why did we go down that road?
my intention was to get close to jehovah (searching the bible), but i. guess i found lucifer.
i'am ask all the time, how did you go from a true believer to calling the bible a book.
Over the years here on this site I have found over half of the folks can hold their own with any minister.
Why when we leave the borg we become proficient on any subject on the Bible.
Why did we go down that road? My intention was to get close to Jehovah (searching the bible), but I
guess I found Lucifer. I'am ask all the time, how did you go from a true believer to calling the Bible a book
of BS.....
What the hell happen????
On another topic someone mention, JW's turn out more atheist than any other religion.Why?
I guess to become an atheist you must know the Bible.
all us creationists try to do is offer true evidence that the one and only god is out there watching and looking down on us.
we present that certain scientists know the truth about god and that he is everything that we see from trees, life, weather, the air we breath, and even the most simple molecules.
but of course you atheists reject it because it is your nature to not be humble and see god because you want to rule your own life.
Hope: why not pray for us? Oh wait that may not work, because he wants us to make
choices for ourselves, for him to then intervene, override a person free choice and change
the course of our lives by compelling a specific action or mental state would be a violation
of his own plan. Conversely, in a universe where there is predestination, God will have
already planned out every person's life ahead of time anyway, efforts to change the course
of events through prayer will be futile. So you can not pray for us, make sense?